The difference between large amount of elemental water soluble fertilizer and medium amount of elemental water soluble fertilizer 

Release time:2023-11-23    Click:277

In the classification of water-soluble fertilizer, it can be divided into a large number of elements, medium element, trace element water soluble fertilizer, each water soluble fertilizer also has differences, among which a large number of element water soluble fertilizer and medium element water soluble fertilizer are different in the following four aspects:

Composition: A large number of elements water-soluble fertilizer mainly contains high concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other elements, as well as some trace elements. Medium element water soluble fertilizer mainly contains medium concentration of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium and other elements.


Scope of application: A large amount of elemental water soluble fertilizer is suitable for the stage of meeting the large demand of crop growth, such as sowing or seedling stage. Medium element water soluble fertilizer is suitable for different growth stages of plant needs, and can be used in combination with a large number of element water soluble fertilizer.

Plant absorption: Due to the high concentration of water-soluble fertilizer of a large number of elements, it is easy to burn seedlings and roots if used improperly. The element concentration in the medium element water soluble fertilizer is moderate, and plants can absorb and utilize it well.

Fertilization method: A large amount of elemental water-soluble fertilizer needs to be fertilized by spraying or foliar spraying, while a medium amount of elemental water-soluble fertilizer can be introduced into plant roots through irrigation.

In general, large amount of element water-soluble fertilizer and medium amount of element water-soluble fertilizer are different in terms of composition, scope of application, plant absorption and fertilization methods, etc., and the choice of use needs to be combined with the actual situation, according to the plant needs and growth environment.


How to choose a water-soluble fertilizer manufacturer? Consider the following aspects

Production experience and strength: Choose manufacturers with many years of production experience and water-soluble fertilizer research and development experience. You can pay attention to the manufacturer's production scale, technical level, research and development ability, etc. These factors will directly affect the quality and effect of water-soluble fertilizer.

Product quality and effect: Choose water soluble fertilizer manufacturers with stable product quality and obvious effect. You can evaluate the quality and effect of the product by understanding the manufacturer's product formula, production process, quality standards and other aspects, as well as referring to the feedback of other users.

After-sales service and support: Choose manufacturers that can provide perfect after-sales service and support. The use effect of water-soluble fertilizer is closely related to the use method, and good after-sales service can help users use the product correctly, improve the use effect and reduce waste.

Price and cost performance: Choose the water soluble fertilizer manufacturers with reasonable price and high cost performance. Under the premise of ensuring product quality and effect, choosing manufacturers with moderate prices can better control costs and improve benefits.

Reputation and reputation: choose the manufacturer with good reputation and good reputation. You can understand the manufacturer's business reputation, product quality, service attitude and other aspects of evaluation, as well as the user's feedback and evaluation of the manufacturer.

To sum up, the choice of water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers need to consider many factors, including production experience, product quality, after-sales service, price and reputation. It is recommended to carry out sufficient market research and comparative analysis before choosing to find the most suitable for their own water-soluble fertilizer manufacturers